Abstract:Pungitius sticklebacks (Gasterosteidae) widely distributed across the Northern Hemisphere. Phylogenetics relationships and taxonomic validity of different species and/or populations remain contentious due to convergent evolution and frequent hybridization among the Pungitius sticklebacks. Here, we briefly reviewed the taxonomic history and distribution of the genus Pungitius, and verified the phylogenetic relationships and phylogeography of the genus from around the world, especially from China. This paper further confirmed the findings of Wang et al. (2021), i.e., there may be four species of Pungitius sticklebacks in China, including P. sinensis, P. kaibarae, P. bussei, and P. stenurus, among which the P. sinensis has two different lineages. We also suggested conservation and management authorities dealing with sticklebacks should resort to molecular species identification when planning translocations in order to more scientific and efficient artificial release and protection of sticklebacks.