





国家自然科学基金项目(No. 31470457,31670390),中央高校基本科研业务费(No. 2412016KJ045)

Two New Records of the Chiroptera in Guizhou Province (China) and Their Echolocation Calls

College of Environment, Northeast Normal University,College of Environment, Northeast Normal University,College of Environment, Northeast Normal University,The first middle school of Chengjiang county, Yuxi city, Yunnan province,College of Environment, Northeast Normal University,College of Environment, Northeast Normal University

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    2017年5月分别在贵州省兴义市和安龙县用雾网采集到1只大体型雌性管鼻蝠和2只小体型雄性菊头蝠,经鉴定为毛翼管鼻蝠(Harpiocephalus harpia)和华南菊头蝠(Rhinolophus huananus),属贵州省翼手目新分布记录。所采集的毛翼管鼻蝠雌性个体可能为怀孕个体,故测量相关数据并鉴定后原地放归野外。华南菊头蝠标本保存于东北师范大学环境学院。毛翼管鼻蝠(1♀):鼻部呈短管状,全身被毛厚密而柔软,后足、翼膜和尾膜均被覆黄褐色绒毛;体重14.01 g,前臂长48.23 mm;回声定位声波为调频(FM)型,静止状态下声波峰频为(56.04 ± 4.52)kHz。华南菊头蝠(2♂):耳大,对耳屏相对较小;鼻叶之蹄状叶宽大,完全覆盖吻部;鞍状叶小,其高略超过其宽,近乎矩形;体毛烟褐色;2只样本体重分别为4.52 g、4.12 g,前臂长40.70 mm、40.00 mm;头骨狭长,颅全长16.35 mm、16.46 mm,颅宽8.11 mm、8.14 mm;回声定位声波属调频-恒频-调频(FM-CF-FM)型,静止状态下峰频分别为(68.48 ± 0.08)kHz、(67.18 ± 0.06)kHz。2种蝙蝠物种在贵州省为首次发现,扩大了其在国内的分布范围,丰富了生态资料,为进一步的研究和保护提供了基础资料。


    In May 2017, one large female tube-nosed bat and two small male horseshoe bats were collected in Xingyi City and Anlong County of Guizhou Province by using mist net, respectively. One of them was identified as Hairy-winged Bat (Harpiocephalus harpia), the other two were identified as Rhinolophus huananus based on the characteristics of external morphology, skull and echolocation calls, which are two new records of Chiroptera in Guizhou Province. We observed a slight bulge in the abdomen of the female H. harpia, which indicated it may be pregnant. Thus, it was released after external morphology was measured and photographed. In this case, its skull data was absent. The specimens of R. huananus were preserved in College of Environment, Northeast Normal University, China. H. harpia has short tube of the nostrils. Its pelage was thick and soft, and hind foot, wing membrane and uropatagium were covered with tawny hair (Fig. 1). The body weight is 14.01 g with forearm length 48.23 mm (Table 1). The echolocation call of this species is frequency modulation (FM) type with peak frequency 56.04 ± 4.52 kHz at resting status (Fig. 2a, Table 2). R. huananus has large ears but relatively small of the tragus. The wide noseleaf of horseshoe was completely covered its muzzle. Its sella was short (height slightly more than width) with almost rectangular, and in not being tongue shaped (Fig. 3a). The body weight of the two specimens was 4.52 g and 4.12 g, and forearm length was 40.70 mm and 40.00 mm (Table 3). The skull narrow (Fig. 3b), and the greatest length of skull was 16.35 mm and 16.46 mm (Table 3). The type of echolocation sounds is frequency modulation-constant frequency-frequency modulation (FM-CF-FM), and the peak frequency are 68.48 ± 0.08 kHz and 67.18 ± 0.06 kHz at resting status (Fig. 2b, Table 2). The discovery of two bats species expanded their distribution region in China, enriched the ecological data and provided the basic basis for further research and protection.



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  • 收稿日期:2017-10-06
  • 最后修改日期:2018-05-07
  • 录用日期:2018-05-03
  • 在线发布日期: 2018-05-29
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