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Tooth Morphology and Structure of Siniperca chuatsi: Comparison with Different Species and Genera
投稿时间:2021-04-22  修订日期:2021-08-18
中文关键词:    牙齿  牙釉质  牙本质
英文关键词:Siniperca chuatsi  Teeth  Enamel  Dentine
基金项目:财政部和农业农村部国家现代农业产业技术体系项目(No. CARS-46)
曹林军 上海海洋大学, 农业农村部淡水水产种质资源重点实验室, 水产动物遗传育种中心上海市协同创新中心, 水产科学国家级实验教学示范中心 上海 201306 2302503683@qq.com 
赵金良* 上海海洋大学, 农业农村部淡水水产种质资源重点实验室, 水产动物遗传育种中心上海市协同创新中心, 水产科学国家级实验教学示范中心 上海 201306 jlzhao@shou.edu.cn 
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      牙齿是肉食性鱼类重要的摄食器官。为探究鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)牙齿形态结构,采用解剖镜观察了鳜牙齿分布、形态与数量。并比较其与大眼鳜(S. kneri)、斑鳜(S. scherzeri)及中国少鳞鳜(Coreoperca whiteheadi)牙齿差异。采用茜素红染色、组织切片、扫描电镜、X射线能谱及红外光谱观察并检测了鳜牙齿结构、元素组成和化学成分。结果显示,鳜牙齿具上颌齿、下颌齿、犁齿、腭齿和咽齿。其中,上颌齿前端有犬齿,其余为绒毛状齿;下颌齿最内列有犬齿,其余为绒毛状齿;犁齿、腭齿、咽齿均为绒毛状齿。鳜和大眼鳜下颌齿列数为3列,斑鳜和中国少鳞鳜为4列。茜素红染色显示,犬齿和绒毛状齿外层均为透明的牙釉质,内层为包裹髓腔的牙本质;组织切片显示,牙本质结构疏松,内有许多孔隙;牙尖部分形成牙釉质帽;中央为髓腔,内有牙髓组织。扫描电镜显示,犬齿和绒毛状齿表面均由釉柱组成,釉质层有釉柱横纹。X射线能谱显示,犬齿和绒毛状齿主要元素都为碳(C)、氧(O)、氮(N)、钙(Ca)和磷(P)。红外光谱显示,犬齿和绒毛状齿主要无机成分为碳酸羟基磷灰石。结果表明,鳜牙齿较发达,上、下颌齿有犬齿,犬齿和绒毛状齿结构与组成基本相似。
      Tooth is an important feeding organ of carnivorous fish. The distribution, morphology and number of teeth in Siniperca chuatsi were observed s, and compared with S. kneri, S. scherzeri, Coreoperca whiteheadi. The dental structure, element composition and chemical composition of S. chuatsi were further studied with alizarin red staining, tissue sections, scanning electron microscopy, as well as X-ray energy spectrum (Mean ± SD) and infrared spectrum analyses. The results showed that S. chuatsi had maxillary teeth, mandibular teeth, vomerine teeth, palatal teeth and pharyngeal teeth (Fig. 1a﹣e). Among them, canine teeth were detected in front of maxillary teeth and the inner line of mandibular teeth, while the rest were villous teeth (Fig. 1a, b). The teeth of the vomerine, the palate and the pharynx were all villous (Fig. 1c﹣e). There were 3 rows in mandibular teeth in S. chuatsi and S. kneri, while 4 rows in S. scherzeri and C. whiteheadi (Table 1, 2). Alizarin red staining showed that the outer layer of canine and villous teeth was transparent enamel, and the inner layer was dentin containing pulp cavity (Fig. 3a, b). Histological sections showed that the dentin had loose structure and many pores, the tip of the tooth formed the enamel cap; the center was the pulp cavity, which contained pulp tissue (Fig. 4a﹣c). Scanning electron microscopy showed that the surface of canine and villous teeth was composed of enamel prisms, and the enamel layer had transverse stripes of enamel prisms (Fig. 5a, b). X-ray energy spectrum analysis showed that the main elements of canine and villous teeth were carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus (Table 3). Infrared spectrum analysis showed that the main component of canine and villous teeth was carbonated hydroxyapatite (Fig. 6a, b). The results show that S. chuatsi has more advanced teeth with canines in maxillary and mandibular teeth, and the structure and composition of canines and villous teeth are basically similar.
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