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New Record of Elysia leucolegnote in Haikou Hainan, China
投稿时间:2020-11-13  修订日期:2021-06-10
中文关键词:  光合软体动物  海天牛属  分布新记录种  红树林  白边侧足海天牛
英文关键词:Photosynthetic sea slug  Elysia genus  New record  Mangrove  Elysia leucolegnote
基金项目:海南省自然科学基金项目(No. 2019RCI55)
李歆毓 海南大学热带作物学院 海口 570228 xinyul@163.com 
崔闯 海南大学热带作物学院 海口 570228 im_cuichuang@sina.com 
安启源 海南大学热带作物学院 海口 570228 18242097267@163.com 
万迎朗* 海南大学热带作物学院 海口 570228 ylwan@hainanu.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 708
全文下载次数: 1276
      本文介绍了一种海天牛(Elysia leucolegnote)在海南岛的新分布情况。E. leucolegnote属于软体动物门囊舌目(Sacoglossa)海天牛超科(Elysioidea)海天牛属。其以某种丝状绿藻(Boodleopsis sp.)为食,从中摄取叶绿体,并具有在动物细胞中保持叶绿体光合活性的独特能力。这种海天牛类群在进化生物学、光合生物学和生理学研究中受到广泛关注。2020年5月,在海南省海口市的东寨港国家级红树林自然保护区的旗调村发现这种海天牛,通过形态对比和分子标记分析确认为E. leucolegnote,因其在国内尚无报道,建议根据学名和外观特征命名为白边侧足海天牛。通过线粒体COⅠ基因的序列比对,构建了我国已知海天牛属物种的进化树。并且在2020年5月到11月间,在白边侧足海天牛生长地跟踪观察并描述其形态特征变化和行为特征。
      Here we introduce a new distribution location of Elysia leucolegnote in Hainan province, China. We have identified this species by its external characters and molecular approaches, recorded its behavior in its habitat location. We used the targeted PCR method to amplify the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. Based on the sequence of COI, a phylogenetic tree of the Elysia genus species reported in China has been constructed. This sea slug has a body length from 5﹣13 mm, the body size increases from May to November. Small herds of E. leucolegnote with 1 to 100 individuals can be easily found in the puddles of the mangrove swamp at low tide or in the crab holes for shading when these were exposed to air (Fig. 1); The external characters of E. leucolegnote are identical to the original reports, the adult sea slug is green in color with white-edged parapodia and white spots (Fig. 2); The sequence of COI gene of the sea slugs collected in Hainan conformed this species is E. leucolegnote. We uploaded the sequence of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) of mitochondrial DNA (GenBank accession number MT933184). And in phylogenetic tree (neighbor-joining, NJ) 100% degree of confidence of branch shows our sea slugs were E. leucolegnote (Fig. 3). We suggest that E. leucolegnote may be potentially used as a new model system for studying chloroplast endocytosis and endosymbiosis. Therefore, this is also a unique system that may be employed in gene expression and regulation in chloroplasts. Furthermore, this model system may also be utilized in research studies on animal cell immunity.
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