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Morphology, Quantity and Distribution of Gustatory Hairs in Spiders
投稿时间:2012-05-21  修订日期:2012-07-12
中文关键词:  蜘蛛  味觉毛  化学感受器  扫描电镜
英文关键词:Spider  Gustatory hair  Chemoreceptor  Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM)
肖永红 井冈山大学生命科学学院 江西 吉安 343009  
李枢强 中国科学院动物研究所 北京 100081 lisq@ioz.ac.cn 
摘要点击次数: 2613
全文下载次数: 3035
      化学通讯是蜘蛛最基础和最普遍的种内及种间通讯方式之一,蜘蛛体表的味觉毛能够接触性地或者近距离地感知环境中的化学物质,但味觉毛的相关研究仅在少数几种蜘蛛中有过报道。我们通过扫描电镜分别对幽灵蛛科(Pholcidae)、弱蛛科(Leptonetidae)、泰莱蛛科(Telemidae)、蟹蛛科(Thomisidae)和球蛛科(Theridiidae)共5科32种蜘蛛味觉毛的形态、数量及分布进行了观察。结果显示:蜘蛛味觉毛一般呈"S"形或弧形;毛根部与体表形成较大角度,末端开口。一般分布在步足的跗节和后跗节,一些种类在步足胫节亦有味觉毛分布。所观察的蜘蛛中绝大部分种类在触肢上未发现味觉毛,仅有2种蟹蛛即角红蟹蛛(Thomisus labefactus)和膨胀微蟹蛛(Lysiteles inflatus)以及1种球蛛即鼬形微姬蛛(Phycosoma mustelinum)在触肢上有味觉毛。味觉毛的数量在不同蜘蛛种类中有较大差异,从十几根到上百根不等。蜘蛛味觉毛的形态、数量和分布等特征除了与遗传相关外,亦有可能与其生境和生活方式等有关。
      Chemical communication is a basic and universal intra-and inter-specific communication in spiders. Gustatory hairs are chemoreceptors detecting chemicals from the environment by contacting or close-range olfactory. Up till now, few studies compared chemoreceptors among spiders. Here we studied morphology, quantity and distribution of gustatory hairs in 32 spider species from Pholcidae, Leptonetidae, Telemidae, Thomisidae, Theridiidae by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). The typical features of spider gustatory hairs are in "S" or arc shape with open end, and they emerge from the cuticle at a great angle. Spider gustatory hairs usually locate on tarsi and metatarsi of their legs, while some studied species have gustatory hairs on tibia. Except for 3 spider species, Thomisus labefactus and Lysiteles inflatus from Thomisidae and Phycosoma mustelinum from Theridiidae, gustatory hairs are not present on the pedipalps. Quantity of the gustatory hairs varies among the spiders. Morphology, quantity and distribution of gustatory hairs in spiders may be correlated with not only heredity but also habitats and predatory styles.
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