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张建伟,王建峰,刘建平,梁 伟.2019.不同纬度洞巢鸟类对人工巢箱的利用及差异.动物学杂志,54(4):465-470.
Latitudinal Variation in Use of Artificial Nestbox by Cavity-nesting Birds in China
投稿时间:2018-12-30  修订日期:2019-06-01
中文关键词:  洞巢鸟类  人工巢箱  孵化成效  繁殖成功率  大山雀
英文关键词:Secondary hole-nester  Artificial nest box  Hatching success  Breeding success, Great Tit
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No. 31772453)
张建伟 热带岛屿生态学教育部重点实验室海南师范大学生命科学学院 zlzd-504836586@qq.com 
王建峰 河北塞罕坝国家森林公园 847664713@qq.com 
刘建平 热带岛屿生态学教育部重点实验室海南师范大学生命科学学院 1096135059@qq.com 
梁 伟* 热带岛屿生态学教育部重点实验室海南师范大学生命科学学院 13976699091@139.com 
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      迄今对洞巢鸟类生活史特征的纬度变异(特别是热带洞巢鸟类的繁殖)了解还十分有限。我们于2018年3至8月,分别在海南吊罗山(热带)、河南董寨(亚热带)和河北塞罕坝(温带)的林缘地带,悬挂相同规格的人工巢箱招引洞巢鸟类繁殖,用以比较不同地理区域的洞巢鸟类对人工巢箱的利用情况及其孵化成效和繁殖成功率。野外共悬挂577个木制巢箱,3个研究地的利用率在海南吊罗山为最低(32.6%),河南董寨最高(92.0%)。3个地点均有大山雀(Parus cinereus)入住(占总巢数的84.3%),其孵化成效和繁殖成功率在3个地点不存在显著差异(P > 0.05)。但在河北塞罕坝,大山雀的孵化成效(75.7%)和繁殖成功率(65.7%)显著低于同域繁殖的褐头山雀(Poecile montanus)(97.7% 和97.7%)和煤山雀(Periparus ater)(93.5%和90.3%)(P < 0.05)。研究表明,3个地理区域利用巢箱繁殖的洞巢鸟的种类、数量以及对巢箱的利用率均存在差异,但对于广布种大山雀来说,地理位置的差异并不影响其孵化成效和繁殖成功率。
      Latitude variations in the life history characteristics of cavity-nesting birds, especially the breeding biology of tropical cavity-nesting birds, are still poorly understood. From March to August 2018, artificial nestboxes were set up in Diaoluoshan of Hainan, Dongzhai of Henan, and Saihanba of Hebei, China, to compare use of nestbox, hatching success and breeding success of cavity-nesting birds (Figure 1). A total of 577 nestboxes were set up in the field, among which the utilization rate was the lowest in Hainan (32.6%), while the highest was in Henan (92.0%) (Table 1). The Great Tit (Parus cinereus) was the most common cavity-nesting bird species found at three study sites, and there was no significant difference in hatching success and breeding success of Great Tits among three sites. However, hatching success (75.7%) and breeding success (65.7%) of Great Tits were significantly lower than those of Willow Tits (Poecile montanus) (97.7% and 97.7%) and Coal Tits (Periparus ater) (93.5% and 90.3%) within the same study area in Hebei (Table 2). Our study showed that there were variations with latitude in cavity-nesting bird species, species abundance and use of nestboxes. However, there were no significant differences in hatching success and breeding success for Great Tits, a common cavity-nesting bird across China.
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