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吴道宁,马鸣,魏希明,王尧天,杜利民,蒋可威,刘哲青,刘旭,Paul Buzzard.2017.靴隼雕繁殖习性初报.动物学杂志,52(1):11-18.
A Preliminary Report on Breeding Habits of Booted Eagle (Hieraaetus pennata) in Xinjiang
投稿时间:2016-08-24  修订日期:2017-01-04
中文关键词:  靴隼雕  巢址  食性  育雏行为  新疆
英文关键词:Booted Eagle (Hieraaetus pennata)  Nest site  Food habit  Brooding behavior  Xinjiang
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No. 31572292,31272291,30970340),联合国开发计划署-全球环境基金国际合作项目(No. UNDP-GEF);
吴道宁 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所 乌鲁木齐 830011中国科学院大学 北京100049 1610163799@qq.com 
马鸣* 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所 乌鲁木齐 830011 maming@ms.xjb.ac.cn 
魏希明 新疆观鸟会  
王尧天 新疆观鸟会 乌鲁木齐 830011  
杜利民 新疆观鸟会 乌鲁木齐 830011  
蒋可威 新疆观鸟会 乌鲁木齐 830011  
刘哲青 新疆观鸟会 乌鲁木齐 830011  
刘旭 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所 乌鲁木齐 830011②中国科学院大学 北京100049  
Paul Buzzard 美国底特律动物园 底特律 48067  
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全文下载次数: 2169
      国内关于靴隼雕(Hieraaetus pennata)资料缺乏,仅有几例新纪录报道,无繁殖信息。本文报道2010 ~ 2016年间靴隼雕在新疆南部和北部的繁殖与分布状况。靴隼雕巢址选择开阔的地带,营巢于大树上(n = 7),巢距地面高度在7 ~ 12 m,巢直径约74 ~ 102 cm。窝卵数2 ~ 3枚,孵卵期37 ~ 40 d,育雏期48 ~ 58 d,繁殖期持续4 ~ 5个月。育雏前期与后期亲鸟的行为变化较大。其巢区附近野生动物资源丰富,食物以鸟类为主,主要是水鸟的幼鸟(体重小于300 g);哺乳类包括草兔(Lepus capensis)、大耳猬(Hemiechinus auritus)、鼹形田鼠(Ellobius talpinus)等。在新疆和硕利用红外相机监测32 d,共收获77 894张图片。育雏期人工观察16 d,约248 h,同时拍下行为照片及录像作为辅助记录。育雏前期,雌鸟的陪护时间占88.43%,雄鸟只有3.26%。亲鸟育雏期的活动节律、投食次数呈现单峰型;续巢频次则为双峰型。在中亚,靴隼雕有明显“东扩”之趋势。通过野外观察靴隼雕的行为,了解繁殖状况,积累基础资料,对其种群保护和管理具有意义。
      In China, there has been only several recent records about Booted Eagle (Hieraaetus pennata) and no information about its breeding ecology. In this article, we first reported the breeding habits of the bird in Xinjiang from 7 nests found in Tianshan Mountain area during 2010 to 2016 (Fig. 1). The Booted Eagle preferred to nest on big trees with a diameter of 74﹣102 cm and 7﹣12 m above the ground in broad and open areas (n = 7) (Table 1). During the breeding period from April to August, the Booted Eagles usually started to lay eggs in late April and early May with the clutch size of 2 or 3 eggs, and their incubation period lasted 37﹣40 d with a brooding period of 48﹣58 d. We set up infrared cameras around nests for 32 d and received 77 894 pictures during the breeding period. In addition, we observed 248 h on their nests from the distance of 150﹣200 m using telescopes. During the incubation period, the females incubated with the males helping with foraging and vigilance. During the brooding period, the daily rhythm of parents delivering food to the chicks appeared to be unimodal (Fig. 2). The food of the parents carrying to the nests included both birds and mammals, with bird mainly waterfowl chicks less than 300 g and mammals recorded as rabbit, Long-eared Hedgehog and Eastern Mole Vole and so on. Parents′ behaviors differed during early-brooding (13 June to 17 July) and late-brooding (18 July to 5 August) periods. During early-brooding period, the parents mended the nests with branches every day, with the daily rhythm of bimodal in the morning and late afternoon (Fig. 3), the females also showed more attention for the young than males (88.43% of the time compared to 3.26%) (Table 2). Our field observations on the breeding behavior of Booted Eagle could provide more information to understand their ecology thereby benefiting the conservation and management. In recently years, there have been many new records of the distribution and reproduction of Booted Eagle in China and Central Asia, and we suggest that this species has a tendency of eastward expansion of its distribution.
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