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Calls Characteristics in Round-tongued Floating Phrynoglossus martensii
投稿时间:2015-06-21  修订日期:2016-02-08
DOI:DOI: 10.13859/j.cjz.201602007
中文关键词:  圆蟾舌蛙  鸣声  主频  基频  形态学特征
英文关键词:Phrynoglossus martensii  Calls  Dominant frequency  Fundamental frequency  Morphological indexes
基金项目:(No. 31260518;No.00501023523)
汪继超 海南师范大学 jichao-wang@263.net 
王同亮 海南师范大学  
王培培 海南师范大学  
崔建国* 中国科学院成都生物研究所 cuijgcn@gmail.com 
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      2012年7 – 8月,在野外录制51只雄性圆蟾舌蛙(Phrynoglossus martensii)鸣声并对应测量了录音个体的体重、体长及头宽等体征数据。结果发现:雄性圆蟾舌蛙的体重为1.26 ± 0.55 g、体长为21.04 ± 2.57 mm、头宽为6.76 ± 0.75 mm。鸣声类型可分为广告鸣声和争斗鸣声。广告鸣声均为单音节,主频为3782.25 ± 167.78 Hz,3100 ~ 4349 Hz;基频为1519.69 ± 70.60 Hz,1057 ~ 1765Hz,且主基频均与体重、体长、头宽呈显著负相关,音节间隔与体重和头宽呈正相关。争斗鸣叫的主频为3752.64 ± 174.47 Hz,3304 ~ 4081 Hz;基频为1674.88 ± 79.88 Hz,1367 ~ 1870 Hz。争斗鸣声与广告鸣声相比,个体争斗鸣声的基频显著增高(t = -5.374, df = 56, P < 0.001),音节时长和音节间隔显著降低(P < 0.05),而两种鸣声的主频无差异显著性(t = 0.436, df = 56, P = 0.665)。
      From July to August in 2012, we recorded and analyzed the relationship between call structure and body size, snout-vent length, and head width in 55 male Phrynoglossus martensii. The results show that body size, snout-vent length, and head width were 1.26 ± 0.55 g, 21.04 ± 2.57 mm, and 6.76 ± 0.75 mm, respectively. This frog produces only the advertisement call and aggressive call. The advertisement call consists of a single note, with dominant and fundamental frequencies at 1519.69 ± 70.60 Hz, range 1057 ~ 1765Hz and 1519.69 ± 70.60 Hz, range 1057–1765Hz, respectively. Remarkably, both the dominant and fundamental frequencies of the advertisement call were negatively correlated with body size and snout-vent length, whereas the inter-note intervals were positively correlated with body size and head. The dominant and fundamental frequencies of the aggressive call were 3752.64 ± 174.47 Hz, range 3304 ~ 4081 Hz and 1674.88 ± 79.88 Hz, range 1367–1870 Hz, respectively. Compared with the advertisement call, the fundamental frequencies (t = – 5.374, df = 56, P < 0.001) were much higher and the note duration and inter-note intervals were much lower in the aggressive call (P < 0.05). These results demonstrate that individual variations in call structure and types are mainly dependent on morphological indexes in this species with small body mass.
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