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Bird Diversity in Shore Habitats of Erhai Lake, Yunnan Province
投稿时间:2013-05-23  修订日期:2014-03-13
中文关键词:  洱海  湖滨带  鸟类多样性  季节变动
英文关键词:Erhai lake  Lakeside zone  Bird diversity  Seasonal change
基金项目:云南省自然科学重点基金项目(No. 2009CC024),西南林业大学重点学科建设动物学项目(No. XKX200903)
韩联宪* 西南林业大学生命科学学院 lianxian.han@gmail.com 
邓章文 西南林业大学生命科学学院  
摘要点击次数: 2740
全文下载次数: 2639
      洱海地处云南西部, 是中国西部候鸟迁徙时的重要停息地和越冬地, 但其湖滨带鸟类组成与季节变化尚无专门研究。作者于2011年1月(冬季)、3和4月(春季)、7月(夏季)、10和11月(秋季)采用样线法对洱海湖滨带的鸟类多样性进行了调查, 在洱海西岸湖滨带共设4条调查样线, 总长度482km, 冬夏季节各进行2d共4次调查, 春秋各进行4d共8次调查。共记录到鸟类13目38科115种, 其中有国家Ⅱ级重点保护鸟类7种; 留鸟61种, 夏候鸟7种, 冬候鸟39种, 旅鸟8种; 按生态类群分,有游禽19种, 涉禽22种, 猛禽7种, 陆禽3种, 攀禽8种, 鸣禽56种。研究结果表明,秋季的鸟类物种数及多样性指数最高, 夏季均匀性指数最高。5类生境中, 树林灌丛生境的鸟类多样性和均匀性最高; 近岸水域鸟类个体数量最多。依据调查结果, 建议沿环湖公路营造更多树林, 在适宜地点建造滩涂, 将有利于鸟类栖息觅食。
      Erhai Lake is located west of Yunnan, and it is the important wintering region and foraging site on midway when birds migrating. However, few information on bird diversity and seasons changing in shore habitats of Erhai is available. We made transect survey on bird species diversity and abundant seasonally on 4 fixed lines in the west bank of Erhai with total length of 48.2km in January, March, April, July, October, November 2011. We carried transects 4 times each season in winter and summer, and 8 times in spring and autumn. A total of 115 bird species (belonging to 38 families and 13 orders) was accumulatively recorded, of 7 species were ranked as Ⅱ the list of important protected species in China. We accumulatively observed 61 species of resident birds, 7 summer birds and 39 visitor and 8 passing migrants. According to the habitat chosen of these birds, 19 species were natatores, 22 species grallatores, 7 species raptores, 3 species terrestores, 8 species scansores and 56 species passeres. The species evenness index and diversity index showed a highest value in autumn. Among 5 habitats recognized in the study area, bosky owned the largest species diversity index and evenness index and. the zone close to lake shore held the highest proportion (33.82%) of bird abundant accumulatively recorded in the study period. Boscage and water region close to lake shore were favorite habitat for birds that inhabited in lake shore. According to our study results, we suggested to provide more foraging habitat to the shorebirds by constructing more sandy beach and soil beach near the lake bank. Planting trees along the road round the Erhai Lake will be helpful to reduce human disturbance to birds.
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